
Never get tired of sushi!!!
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

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--Merci tout le monde--
11:30 PM

Another 'Bird' Day

Today we celebrate the birth of Mr David Sugianto, a colleague of mine who turns 22 today!! Heppy 'Bird' Day Fren!!

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--Merci tout le monde--
10:42 PM

The year end movie of 2004
Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Caught Meet the fockers with laling family....the continous story of Meet the parents. Review?? So-so...still can't beat the first one!!

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--Merci tout le monde--
11:20 PM

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--Merci tout le monde--
11:19 PM

Tragedy After Tragedy

I was so sad to learn about the Tsunami disaster that happened on Sunday. Thousand were sacrificed, mostly children & the elderly. We should be grateful that we were spared from the unfortunate tragedy as Singapore was lucky that it's island was sheltered by the sumatran islands.

My condolences goes out to all families that was affected in this major catastrophe.

--Merci tout le monde--
10:57 AM

Outing to the Jetty
Sunday, December 26, 2004

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--Merci tout le monde--
11:47 PM

Testing testing 1,2,3
Saturday, December 25, 2004

Photos taken with my new Ixus 30

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--Merci tout le monde--
11:40 PM

Gadget Freak

Again, I splurge my money on a brand new Canon Digi Camera when my old Sony died on me *sinister grin*. I just can't leave without my digi gadget, my precious....

I may not be a fashion freak but when it comes to gadgetry or electronics items, I would be itching to keep up with the advance technology. So here I am together with my new Canon Ixus, one of the best picture quality brand in the market. Yay!!!

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--Merci tout le monde--
11:28 PM

Belly Unhappy
Wednesday, December 22, 2004

I had a bad diarrhea this morning accompanied with bad stomach. To makes things worst, I felt nauseas due to stomach upset. Tried rubbing axe oil on my belly, it helps a little but I'm still feeling uncomfortable. I don't feel like eating at all. Wish I could just lay down and rest for now. What the heck is going on with my body. Now I'm trying to flood my body with warm water and see how it goes or else it's Mr Doc visit for me. Any sweets for me doc???...hehehehe.

--Merci tout le monde--
1:36 PM

Dinner @ Marriot Hotel
Monday, December 20, 2004

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--Merci tout le monde--
11:35 PM

Another new gadgetry
Sunday, December 19, 2004

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--Merci tout le monde--
3:12 PM

Ocean's TwelveZZZZzzzzzzzzzz.....
Saturday, December 18, 2004

I woke up for work with not much anticipation due lack of sleep. I was out yesterday night right after work until 3 am, well that is the time I reach home. Partying??? Nehhh... Me & Hubz caught Ocean Twelve movie. Wanted the 9.40pm show but it was almost full so we took the 12.30 midnight slot, action terror konon tengok midnight...hehehe. Then we realised we have like 4-5 hrs of boredom to pass us thru. So we walk a bit, had dinner and walk again endlessly which after I surrender my white flag with my achy legs while I sat outside suntec building. The crowd did not simmer down even though the clock strike midnight...There were promotions & discount everywhere.

Ok back to Ocean's Twelve. For a moment, I was alert when the movie starts but my eyes has lost it's elasticity to remain wide open for the next 45 mins of the movie so I ZZZZzzzzzz at most of the important scenes. I don't really quite understand the story while I was awake, and by the time I tried to be awake, it's already 15mins to the endings. By this time around, I have really no idea what is going on at all??...hahahahaha.... I have never ever once doze off in a movie before until this one, mayb the timing, seating arrangements (coz we got bad seats at the back and bad angle) and the movie storyline contributes it all and of course not forgetting my achy legs which plays a great part of me being so tired in the first place....Wak wak wak wak.... No more midgnights for me!!!

--Merci tout le monde--
10:10 AM

Sony Goodies
Friday, December 17, 2004

I was at the Sony road show just right in front of the OUB centre. Hubz was thinking to get the thumbdrive for himself for a cost of $59 and it comes with a goodie bag exclusively for the roadshow. I also manage to convince my hubz to get one for me too. hehehehe..For $59 you get everything below including $10 Isetan voucher. Neat!!!

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--Merci tout le monde--
11:18 PM

Pinkish Affair

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Pink, pink, pink eveywhere... Pink my fav colour.... I manage to grab some pink pouches to add to my pink collections...yay!!! Mayb a pink handbag next round?? My hubz gonna freak out if I were to do dat!!!

--Merci tout le monde--
11:17 PM

28.First Cry 12.10.78. Basking in Marital Bliss..What more you need to know??

note de prise!
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